Though there are many things about you we cannot understand, we can’t help but marvel at you. The mystery of your being may confound us. But the majesty of your being astounds us and leads us to praise.
You are so very different from us. No one can match your greatness, for you are beyond the highest mountains. Lofty is your might and in you all power is to be found.
So also is the beauty of your character. Perfection marks your ways. There is no wrong to be found in you. Even the angels, in all their purity, even they cannot bear to lift their eyes to you.
But like them, we stand in awe of you, and we bring you our hearts today. We wish to devote ourselves to you again and remember that you are our God. We want to renew our covenant with you and worship you in holiness.
So we ask that we might be drawn into your presence. Come near to us and encompass us in your love. Allow us to taste again the sweetness of your presence.
For we ask this in the rich name of Christ our Lord,