Our Father in heaven,
Your law has no flaw in it. But by it we see that we abound with defects. And with every passing moment we add to these offenses.
It is because of our faults that we come to you though. We know that our only hope is in you and your unending love for us. Our greatest treasures are the wounds that Christ himself bears.
We pray O God that your eyes would not be cast upon us. But instead would Christ be substituted in our place. Would that our filth and vile acts be hid from your sight and the beauty of his holiness and the purity of his merits be the only thing that you see when you gaze our way.
Thank-you for providing for us the way of salvation. And we pray that our souls might be comforted with the assurance of your forgiveness and love. We pray that our hearts would fully rest in the abounding measure of your favor and the infinite perfection of Christ’s sacrifice.
Be praised in us O God, and allow your Spirit to have his full work.
For this we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.