After college Matt attended Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, IN where he received his Masters of Divinity (’04). In the Spring of 2005 Matt was ordained and installed as the pastor of Covenant Reformed Fellowship. Matt has also taught Bible at the High School level (’00-01) and ministered as a pastoral intern at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Hammond, IN (’02-04).
Matt and Elizabeth have also been greatly blessed with two beautiful daughters, Katelyn and Paige.
A Letter from Our Pastor
Dear Friend,
In Ephesians 1:18 the Apostle Paul prayed that his readers would have “the eyes of their hearts enlightened, so that they may know what is the hope to which God has called them.” This has long been my prayer for the people of Ashland. It is my desire and personal mission to see that God’s Word be widely propagated within this community. This I seek to do with the hope and expectation that God’s Spirit will convict and convert sinners and comfort and equip the saints.
If you are interested in visiting CRF, or would like to learn more about the Lord, we would invite you to come and participate with us as we worship the Lord. You will find that we strive for the utmost reverence in our services while at the same time offering down to earth teaching that engages today’s people and culture. In every way CRF is a church that is designed for those who long for a deeper understanding of God’s Word and a closer walk with Jesus.
We hope and pray that you will increase in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that CRF can be of assistance to you in that process. Know that you are welcome to share the joy of growing in faith with us.