This is our prayer, O God: That you might speak to us and proclaim to us your name. You have said that if we ask anything in the name of Jesus, we will receive it. You have commanded us to ask, seek and knock. And you promised that we when we ask, we shall receive. When we seek we shall find. When we knock the door will be opened.
So we come to you with simple the faith that you will honor your own word. And we pray that your voice might be heard among us today. What we want is that our hearts would hear that still small voice.
Dear Father, give us light from heaven. Pour out wisdom and knowledge. Endow us with the fear of you and fill us with the spirit of prophecy.
To that end, cause all that may distract us to be quieted. And may our hearts settle upon you. May all the things that clutter our minds be at rest and may we have undivided hearts in this time.
Speak Lord, and we will listen. Glorify yourself among us and let there be praise.