Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pilgrim's Progress to be Studied

In the 18th century two books could be found in most English households, the Bible and John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan’s work is considered one of the most significant books of history because it captures so succinctly the life of a Christian in story form. As Ravi Zacharias says,
"Few books besides the Bible have been translated, printed, and read as often as The Pilgrim's Progress. John Bunyan's classic allegory of Christian, the Pilgrim, on his perilous journey to the Celestial City has touched hearts and minds for more than three hundred years-and still the demand continues. Introduce a new generation to this memorable story, filled with memorable characters- Evangelist, Charity, Hypocrisy, Goodwill, Obstinate, and Mr. Worldly Wiseman.
Each one offers a unique insight into the Christian life--its joys and trials, its opportunities and struggles. You'll discover The Pilgrim's Progress to be both challenging and entertaining. Over the centuries countless souls have been transformed by John Bunyan's timeless and brilliant Pilgrim's Progress--in my estimation, one of the greatest works ever penned."

This Sunday evening (6:30) CRF will begin an in-depth study of this devotional classic. Each class will consist of reading an excerpt and discussing the truths captured in it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

One Little Word Shall Fell Him

Not even the devil himself can prevail over you. Even he must do your bidding and submit to your will. He is as a leashed dog. Though his schemes may devastate and his power on earth increase, it is only because you allow him his day. But in the end, he shall be vanquished. One little word shall fell him!

We praise you for the greatness and the power of your word. And we ask that this day we might have our fill of it. We ask that your voice would resound in our midst, that you would speak from your holy hill.

Grant that we might glory in you today and trust in your unfailing truth. Let our words be few, but yours be multiplied. Let our mouths be closed, but our ears attentive to the murmurs that have a heavenly origin.

Thank-you for granting us to be here today, that we might be your audience. And we praise you before hand for what you will do in our midst.

Christ Our Hope

Our Father in heaven,

Your law has no flaw in it. But by it we see that we abound with defects. And with every passing moment we add to these offenses.

It is because of our faults that we come to you though. We know that our only hope is in you and your unending love for us. Our greatest treasures are the wounds that Christ himself bears.

We pray O God that your eyes would not be cast upon us. But instead would Christ be substituted in our place. Would that our filth and vile acts be hid from your sight and the beauty of his holiness and the purity of his merits be the only thing that you see when you gaze our way.

Thank-you for providing for us the way of salvation. And we pray that our souls might be comforted with the assurance of your forgiveness and love. We pray that our hearts would fully rest in the abounding measure of your favor and the infinite perfection of Christ’s sacrifice.

Be praised in us O God, and allow your Spirit to have his full work.

For this we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Holy and Awesome

Though there are many things about you we cannot understand, we can’t help but marvel at you. The mystery of your being may confound us. But the majesty of your being astounds us and leads us to praise.

You are so very different from us. No one can match your greatness, for you are beyond the highest mountains. Lofty is your might and in you all power is to be found.

So also is the beauty of your character. Perfection marks your ways. There is no wrong to be found in you. Even the angels, in all their purity, even they cannot bear to lift their eyes to you.

But like them, we stand in awe of you, and we bring you our hearts today. We wish to devote ourselves to you again and remember that you are our God. We want to renew our covenant with you and worship you in holiness.

So we ask that we might be drawn into your presence. Come near to us and encompass us in your love. Allow us to taste again the sweetness of your presence.

For we ask this in the rich name of Christ our Lord,