In the 18th century two books could be found in most English households, the Bible and John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan’s work is considered one of the most significant books of history because it captures so succinctly the life of a Christian in story form. As Ravi Zacharias says,
"Few books besides the Bible have been translated, printed, and read as often as The Pilgrim's Progress. John Bunyan's classic allegory of Christian, the Pilgrim, on his perilous journey to the Celestial City has touched hearts and minds for more than three hundred years-and still the demand continues. Introduce a new generation to this memorable story, filled with memorable characters- Evangelist, Charity, Hypocrisy, Goodwill, Obstinate, and Mr. Worldly Wiseman.
Each one offers a unique insight into the Christian life--its joys and trials, its opportunities and struggles. You'll discover The Pilgrim's Progress to be both challenging and entertaining. Over the centuries countless souls have been transformed by John Bunyan's timeless and brilliant Pilgrim's Progress--in my estimation, one of the greatest works ever penned."
This Sunday evening (6:30) CRF will begin an in-depth study of this devotional classic. Each class will consist of reading an excerpt and discussing the truths captured in it.