We extol you, O Lord of the Universe, and praise your infinite name. You spoke an all things were made. You commanded, and it was done. How admirable is your work, O Lord. How great is your power.
We cast ourselves before you, we who are nothing before you. We despise what we are and we despise what we have become. We are soiled and not fit to sit upon the doorsteps of heaven. For the depths of our unworthiness we can never plumb, the extent of our sins we can never measure.
But you bow down to us and look upon us with great delight. You condescend to us and lift our heads. You shower us with gifts of life and bestow upon us nothing but steadfast love. You open the door of your dwelling and you invite us to come and take seats of honor.
O most sweet and merciful God, your hospitality only increases the praises that you are due. The welcome you give us exceeds what we deserve.
So let now our hearts be put in a right frame, may they evoke the reverence that only angels can rightly give.