O Lord our God,
You are high above all gods. You are very great. You perform what you decree in heaven and on earth. The wind and the seas obey you. Therefore you are to be exalted. Your praise is to be proclaimed.
And this is what we wish to do this day. You have called us to be your servants, to be a holy nation and a kingdom of priests. And we cannot help but bless your glorious name.
We thank you that you have chosen us to be your dwelling place. We praise you that you would so condescend to abide in such humble vessels. And we pray that our hearts would be made fit for you. O Father, We ask that through this service of worship would be endowed with greater knowledge and drawn into deeper holiness. We pray that this hour would be used to make us more suitable places to abide.
O Father, turn us away from the things of this earth and lift our eyes toward your holy face in heaven. For we ask this in Jesus Name.