Monday, February 9, 2009

O Father,

We know that this word (Amos 5:16-22) accuses us. How often have our sacrifices been brought with our hands, but not with our hearts. We have come into the house of God to present our praises, but it has only been to mount up greater iniquity.

Lord, we know that you do not delight in Sunday Christians. We know that you do not accept the worship of those who pervert justice and do not uphold righteousness. But such only provoke you and bring upon themselves great wrath in the day of the Lord.

We know that we are not free from such guilt. For we have not listened to the voice of the needy, and we have shut our ears to the commandments of love. We have loved our beds of ease and have allowed the weak to be trampled so that we could partake of our pleasure.
Forgive us, O God, for not letting justice roll down like water and letting righteous flow like stream. And pardon us for so perverting your worship with such guilt upon our hands.

We ask O Father, that you would give us the grace too, to refrain from iniquity and combat the evils of our day. We pray that you would give us the zeal so that the day of the Lord would not be darkness and gloom. We pray that we would heed the call to stand, and be strengthened for the fight. We desire that that the day of the Lord would be for us a day of light and a day of joy, a day of happiness and glee as we see our Lord and Savior appear.