That is why CRF is embarking on a new study on the doctrine of the church (otherwise known as ecclesiology) in its Sunday evening study (6:30 p.m.).
It has been said that "Protestant theology has concerned itself largely with salvation truth to the neglect of the doctrine of the church." Indeed this is true. Many can speak of Jesus, but most do not know a thing about what Jesus says regarding his bride.
Moreover, it is important in a day when the church is governed more by pragmatism and personal affinities than by God's Word that we turn to the Bible to find out what the church should be and do.
The study will begin by looking at the attributes of the church, which are outlined in the Nicene Creed: I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Then we will consider other pertinent topics, such as the marks of of a true and false church, the mission of the church, church government and sacraments.
All along the way we'll be diving into contemporary issues such as the ecumenical movement, the church growth movement, and the issue of social action. Practical questions (such as, when is it right to leave a church? what is my role as a member of a local church? and do para-church ministries have biblical authorization?) will also be addressed throughout.