Dear God,
As we come before you we recognize that we are unsuited for your presence. We are defiled with sin and stand in need of a cleansing that only you can give.
You have every right to chase us away—to run us out of your good presence like Adam before us. Indeed, if we were cast out into the outer darkness, you would be justified in your actions.
But we know that you accept the one whose heart is penitent and you show mercy to the brokenhearted. He who has nothing you make rich, and you eye is ever on the poor in spirit.
And as we turn to you now we pray that you might pardon us for looking so much like the world: for taking their views, for following their idols, for imitating their ways and embracing their pride. Too often we have been the world’s twin, rather than its greatest enemy.
Do cleanse us from this filth and lift us out of this mire. We pray that you would give us instead a zeal to pursue your law; to be conformed to the image of your Son; to mimic the angels in heaven. No longer do we wish to be a friend of the world, but instead we desire to be a threat to it.
Dear God, let us be holy, even as you are holy. Amen