Dearest Lord,
You are the God who dwells in heaven, and we are the people who have erred and gone astray. Your law declares your holiness. It convicts us of our evil and condemns us for it. Yet we come to you, poor sinners that we are, and seek your pardon.
We can by no means cover our guilt or make up for our offenses. No amount of offerings can take away your anger and no amount of charity could outweigh our evil. Even if we were to have the power to cease from our iniquity at this very hour, we know that we would still owe a debt beyond our ability to repay.
So as we come to you all we can do is throw ourselves upon your mercy, and look to the blood of your Son, our Savior. IN him we find one who is sufficient to pay our debt. In him we find our only hope of heaven and means of salvation.
So we pray that you would pardon our iniquity and fill us with a holy fear of you. Let us be ever thankful for your grace and sanctified by it. Let your spirit dwell within us continually and let him have his purifying work.