Almighty God,
You are the king and head of the church. You indeed have secured for us life forevermore. In you we have a mighty fortress. Through you we have a great inheritance. With you we have all confidence—be it against foe, fiend, and death alike.
Therefore we unite together to sing forth your praise. We come to you, our great God—three in one--to pledge our allegiance to you again, to renew our vows, to forsake our sins, to find grace and pardon, direction and teaching.
We pray that your glory would be sounded forth. We pray that the earth beneath us might be shaken and your presence known among us. We pray that your will would be revealed to us and your worship would be kept from all corruption.
Above all we pray that we would worship you both inwardly and outwardly. We pray that our worship would not be formalized or external only. We pray that our hearts would be renewed, our minds transformed. We pray that our souls would be dedicated to you, presented as a pleasing offering. For this is the one to whom you will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at your word. Bless to us this spirit, that you might be blessed above all things.