Almighty and Compassionate God,
As we come before you this morning we give you praise for the freedoms that we as a nation enjoy. You have granted us life and liberty. Because of your loving-kindness we have the freedom to own property and pursue our personal welfare.
You have been gracious to us, for we know that we deserve not one good thing. We know that if you dealt with us as our sins deserve all these things would be stripped from us and we should be cast immediately into hell.
But we thank you for looking upon us so kindly. And we thank you for causing our forefathers to implement laws that were in accord with true justice and wisdom. We give you praise that our nation was founded on the principles of truth and the freedom that is found in your Law.
And this morning we look to you for your continued mercy and grace. For we know that we as a nation have not lived in accord with Christ. Like the Israelites long ago who strayed from the faith. We too have become a nation that does what is right in our own eyes.
Your patience has been great, but we know that you will only suffer so long with sinners. So we plead with you again to have mercy upon us. We ask that you would restore our fortunes. Give us a fresh outpouring of your Spirit. Like days of old where revival and renewal graced our lands, let us be drawn back to our God. Let us not glory in wickedness or lewdness, but let us glory in Christ. Let us not set ourselves up as lords, but may we as a united people acknowledge the Triune God alone as the Supreme Head and King of our state.
Since we have sought our independence from you, we know that we deserve to live eternally without you. We know that we deserve to have the freedoms we enjoy be used against us for our downfall. But we beseech you this morning for your favor. Do not give us justice, but make us a people who love justice. Do not take away our lives, but make us a people who treasure life. Grant us liberty, but bind our hearts to you. For this we ask in Jesus Name. Amen.