Sunday, April 29, 2007

Squandered Blessings

Almighty Father,

As we come before you this morning we recognize that we are sinners. And we know that we deserve to be stripped of all that we have and thrown into hell. Yet you have seen fit to give us life and breath. Moreover you have lavished upon us good things.

And we confess that we have mishandled these things and corrupted ourselves. We have loved the blessing and not the Blesser. We have coveted earthly goods and sought to attain them through wicked means. We have lusted and lied, cheated stolen. Neither have we looked out for the good of our neighbor. Instead we have wronged them and hurt them as we have grasped after temporal things.

You would be perfectly just if you would cut us off from the face of the earth and condemn us for all eternity. And this is why we seek you out. We come to you knowing that nothing we would offer you would satisfy you. Indeed we come naked and barren, putting our hope in nothing but the righteousness of your Son. We humbly ask that you would forgive us for our sins.

And we beseech you to cleanse us from our idolatrous heart. Lord, we ask that you would purge from us those unrighteous lusts & cravings. Give us a spirit of moderation and a heart that does not lurch after goods. Indeed we pray that we would be people who acknowledge the source of our life and diligently adhere to the righteous means of receiving our sustenance. We ask that you would temper our desires so that we might be content with what you give us, liberal in our giving, and hospitable towards others.

For this we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.