Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Symphony of Praise

God Almighty,

We are gathered here today to proclaim your praises and to honor your name. Truly you are deserving. And we acknowledge that You have become our Redeemer. We have the privilege of standing here today because you have drawn us into your love and made us to abide in Christ.

Now O God, we pray that you would have your fill. We ask that our mouths would be opened and our hearts would burst forth with streams of praise. You have the power to make stones cry out in worship, and we ask that our hearts of stone would be made pour forth honor and exalt your holy name.

Let there be a chorus among us today. May our voices and our meditations be a sweet symphony to your ears. And may you be pleased to draw near to us as we sanctify this day and set this most holy time apart to you.