O God, you are the God of all grace. One who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin. Yet, you will by no means clear the guilty, this we know. For this reason we confess our sin.
We know that we have not regarded you as we ought. Our thoughts of you have been few and corrupt. And even when our minds turn to contemplate the divine, we never fail to corrupt the splendor of your being.
We beg your forgiveness, O God, for we know that we have refashioned you and cast you in another light; one that does not reflect what you have revealed yourself to be. We know that we have grievously misrepresented you. To be sure we have held wicked and unworthy thoughts of you. Instead of being big, we have made you small. Though you are infinite in being and glory, we have limited you.
In all, we have created a god in our own image and of our own liking; one that we can handle and we can have mastery over.
But now, O God, help us cast aside our false notions and let us find forgiveness with you. Overlook our evil caricatures and let your Spirit reform our perverted thoughts. Give us grace to know you and to adore that for which we naturally have an aversion.
Above all, let your glory reign over us and purity dwell in us. For this we ask in the strong Name of Jesus, Amen.