Our Father,
When we look into this Law, we recognize what we deserve. Here we find a perfect standard of love and devotion to you. But O, how terribly we have failed.
How you have not been our God. We have not walked in your ways or sought your guidance. We have rebelled and resisted, turned aside and turned away.
But even in our brighter moments we recognize that we have still failed you. We confess that we have so often been ashamed of you and afraid to vouch for you. Instead of being bold as lions, we have so often been reluctant in sharing the gospel, cowardly in our testimony and weak in our overall profession among men.
We recognize that we deserve to be shunned for having fear men more than God. But we pray that you would not deny us when you bring forth your kingdom. We pray that you would overlook our weakness and pardon all our transgressions.
Moreover we pray that you would crucify within us anything that hinders our profession of you. We know that we are not supposed to have a spirit of timidity, and so we pray that you would take it away. And fill us with a spirit of boldness and give us the courage to execute our duties without fear.
Let us be zealous for your honor, and may it be that the only real fear we have is the fear of offending you.