True and Faithful God,
You stand by your word through a thousand generations. You waver not from your decrees. And this is why we come to you, humbly seeking your favor and grace.
We have heard of your threats, and we have seen how they were fulfilled with great thoroughness. And we recognize that we are liable to all the curses that are laid out in Scripture for having offended you.
But we know you also to be one who holds out mercy and promises steadfast love. You look with pity upon the penitent and you lift up those who humble themselves before you.
And this is what we wish to do. We place ourselves in a vulnerable position. We come to you with all our sins exposed, confessing our need of your mercy and acknowledging our miserable offenses.
We admit that our word has not held the integrity that it should. In making agreements we have not always been true. Our yes has not always been pure and our no has not always been no. Instead, to our dishonor, our word has often been as firm as sand.
Yes, Father, though faithfulness is not a virtue well practiced by us, we know that it is perfect in you. And you will by no means cast out those who come to you with greif and sorrow in their hearts.
We pray that our offenses would be laid upon the cross. That they would be cast as far from you as the east is from the west. And in their place we ask that a better fruit would be grown. Make us more loyal, trustworthy and sincere. And may our walk be honoring to the profession that we have made.