Truly we see the work of your hand in the creation around us, O God. Trees have brought forth their leaves and the grass has sprung up. Were you to hold back your arm, the world would shrivel and dry up. Man and beast would languish and our bones would perish.
But each day you display your love. You tend to the needs of creation, you water the land and it produces. You supply food for the cattle, and you bless the toil of our hands.
Indeed, our life is in you. You are the source of our existence and the fountain of goodness.
So our souls bless you. We rejoice in God Almighty, and adore you for your daily grace.
Thank you for ministering to us each day. Thank you for sustaining us and making life to abound.
And let it be that we do minister unto you today. May we perform our service of worship by laying our hearts before you. Accept the offerings of our lips and our sacrifice of praise.