Sunday, February 1, 2009

Flirting with Sin

How your Law does condemn us, O God. For we have not only transgressed each of these commands, but we have transgressed each one many times and in many ways.

Indeed we are professionals when it comes to sin. We embrace virtually every occasion for it and we wickedly devise ways to provoke others to do the same. For this we know that we deserve to be cruelly treated. We and our children and our children’s children are liable to all of the curses that are recorded in your holy Word.

But we come to you and ask for your pardoning grace. Forgive us for dabbling in the brooks of iniquity. Lord, too many times we have flirted with evil and entertained thoughts of wickedness. We should have cast the unworthy thing far from our minds. But we have too often given the devil that foothold by welcoming the notion, despite knowing how foul it was. And this has only lead to further misdeeds. We have only let ourselves become hardened in sin and furthered our hell bent progression.

But we cry out to you because we know that you can break this downward spiral. We look to you for mercy and pray that the cords of this degeneration would be broken.

We do thank you for the cross of your dear Son. We praise you that you did send him forth to break the power of sin that does reign within us. And we pray that you would give us the strength to live as becomes a Christian. Help us to fight against temptation and to flee even the appearance of sin. Let us despise not just the sin itself, but would that we abhor even the path that leads to it.

God we know that only you possess the remedy for our sin. And we pray that you would indeed apply the balm of Christ to us now.