Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our King and Our God,

To you we come this day wishing we had a thousand tongues to sing your praise. Even then it would not be sufficient to voice what we owe you. Neither then would we be able to express how glorious you are.

Your majesty is radiant. You are robed with honor. Yet we are limited creatures, we are but worms in comparison to your greatness. But we come as you have commanded. We shrink not back from our duty of worship. No, we come with glad hearts and jubilant spirits. For you are our all in all. We live because of you. We breath in this air because you have permitted us this simple grace.

And as we come to draw near to you, we pray that you would draw near to us. Come to us and abide with us. Make your dwelling place within us. Renew your love to us and shine your face upon us we pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.