Monday, February 11, 2008

Prayer of Repentance and Renewal

Holy God,

If we would deny the fact that we are sinners, we would be denying what is most evident to all. We would be fools if we tried to cover our iniquity, for it would be like trying to cover the sand on the sea shore.

Lord, we cannot escape the guilt. We cannot escape the shame. And so we come to you that we might obtain mercy. For we know that you are a God of mercy. You are full of compassion and will not turn away those who humbly and honestly turn from their sins.

Lord, that which we are ashamed of, we are sorrowful for. And we pray that you might do with our sins what we cannot: Cover them and cast them far away from us. Do not count them against us, but throw them upon Jesus and let his blood be a tide that washes them away.

We ask also that you would create in us a spirit of righteousness. Give us the holy characteristics that are becoming of those who profess your Name. We ask that your Spirit might come into us and break down our critical spirits. May it be that we love our neighbor rather than despise them. Make us to magnify their gifts rather than their imperfections. May we desire what is worthy and beautiful in them rather than envy and laud that which wicked and damnable. Help us to rejoice in their virtues mimic their merits and be silent regarding what is undesirable.

We pray that we might be made to honor Christ in this way—by being people who dwell on that which is worthy of praise and devoted to what is good.