Sunday, October 7, 2007

Confession of Sin

Almighty God,

As we approach you this morning we come to you as we are, with all of our sins.

We do not hide the fact that we have transgressed and offended your infinite holiness. Indeed we admit that we have been weak to battle temptation and slow to fulfill our duty before you. We have not paid honor to your name, nor taken it upon ourselves with sober recognition. We acknowledge the raging of our hearts and how we lust and yearn for ignoble things.

To our harm we pant after what is evil and we indulge in what can only be called folly. Each of us has strayed, and each of us has strayed in our own way. But we acknowledge also that we have sins that are common to us all. Moreover we have sinned corporately. Each of us has contributed to the wrath that is justly due to our house, community, and church.

But we pray that you might not look upon us in your displeasure. We cry out to you and we run to the cross of our dear Savior Jesus Christ. And on Calvary’s hilltop we cry out for mercy, begging that our sins not be held against us. Forgive us our many debts and turn our hearts toward you again. Let these misdeeds and our many others that we have committed time after time be crucified with Christ and put to death once and for all. Cause righteousness to come to life and let what is in accord with justice be fulfilled among us.

For this we ask in Jesus strong Name. Amen