Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Day Will Come

Blessed God of Heaven,

As we come before you this morning we remember that there shall come a day when we are called to account for all our actions. One day the books shall be opened and all of our sins will be exposed: Be it our outward actions or our thoughts that we have kept hidden away in our hearts, all of them will be laid bear.

We know that we shall come before the bar of righteousness and be measured by your standard of perfection. This is why we bow before you today. For we know that we stand before you as guilty sinners, justly deserving your wrath. And we have no hope of life, save in the blood of Jesus Christ.

And so we humbly ask that you would forgive us for all of our transgressions. Blot them out from those books, and hear our advocate in heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, as he pleads our case for us.

We know that we have no good excuse for sinning against you. You have been good, yet despite this, we have been rebellious. You have showered us with blessings, but we have loved the blessing more than the Blesser.

But we pray that you might not hold these errors against us, nor reject us. As we now turn to you, with grief and hatred of our sin, we ask that you would fill us with your Spirit. We pray for the indwelling of the Spirit so that we may no longer live according to our flesh’s desires. Grant us holiness we pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.